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Closing the Books

5 June 2024

As the end-of-financial-year looms, it’s time to get your financial ducks in a row. Proper preparation can help you reduce stress, optimize tax returns, and comply with regulations. Here’s a condensed guide to sail smoothly into the new fiscal period. Review and Record Kick-off with a thorough review of your

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Hustling to Homeownership

28 May 2024

In today’s challenging economy, owning a home while working multiple jobs might seem daunting. However, with focused financial planning and hard work, achieving the dream of homeownership is within reach. Taking control of your finances is an obvious one, craft a precise budget, save diligently for your down payment, and

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Navigating the End of Financial Year

14 May 2024

As the financial year draws to a close, it’s important to tackle the necessary preparations with a clear and efficient strategy. Here’s how you can navigate the EOFY without the headache. Understand Your Obligations and get to grips with tax deadlines, required documentation, and eligible deductions. Any recent changes in

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Disadvantages of Guarantor Loans

30 April 2024

Guarantor loans can be an attractive option for borrowers with limited savings, but it’s crucial to understand the potential downsides. In this blog post, we’ll explore the disadvantages of guarantor loans in Australia. Risk to Guarantor’s Property: The guarantor becomes liable for the loan, putting their property at risk if

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