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3 home loan tips that could make repaying your loan easier.

3 August 2021

The average size of a home loan in Australia is almost $400,000. Most people will repay their loans over 30 years, during which time they’ll be charged a whopping $319,820.45 in home loan interest (assuming a rate of 4.5 per cent). If the average home owner were to repay in

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The questions you should ask before getting a home loan

28 July 2021

Taking out a home loan can be a nerve wracking experience, particularly for first time buyers. The key to making the experience not just bearable but fruitful is to understand exactly what you are taking on. Here are the questions you should know the answer to before getting your home

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Should you get help from your parents with buying a home?

20 July 2021

The cost of buying a home in Australia is spinning out of control, especially if you’re looking in one of the larger metropolitan areas. Spending more than a decade’s pay on one single purchase is not feasible for most Australians. Some, when they can’t afford to buy new homes themselves,

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Unlock the value of being pre-approved for a new home loan

13 July 2021

Looking to secure a home loan? The easiest way to do so is to get pre-approved. Let’s discuss how this process works and how you can get a head start on it. Unless you’ve got hundreds of thousands in cash stashed under your mattress, it’s likely that you’ll need to

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